Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Third e-Quiet Wednesday starts now

Looking forward to today:  my third e-quiet Wednesday.  Amazing how much can be done on a day without email.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wednesdays work well

Everyone's different but mid-week balance, Wednesday, seems to be an ideal day to go quiet with email.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Second e-quiet day is here

Here we are at the start of my second e-quiet day. I've already broken my own rule and sent an email this morning, but will endeavour now to go e-quiet. Last week, the 1st e-quiet day, I got so much done it was a refreshing change of pace.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The idea is still to be available, but by phone (or Skype)

Some of us are so engrossed in our email, talking about going e-quiet one day a week evokes images of being out of the loop. On my e-quiet days I'm  in touch by Skype or old-fashioned landline.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Halfway through e-quiet day, so far, so good

So far response has been good with colleagues and friends (at least the ones I've been able to give the heads-up) thinking it's a great idea. Everyone seems to like the concept of going e-quiet once in awhile.  If your work makes it impractical to select one day a week, then even choosing one day a month can help.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday, 9th November . . . 24 hours to go

Yesterday someone said when they heard I was going e-quiet, "It's all about managing expectations". So true, up 'til I've been a quick-responder to email since I love(d) the technology, but now if people email and don't hear back within a day or so . . .I feel like I'm running behind.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Getting Ready for 1st e-quiet Wednesday

Looking forward to my first e-quiet Wednesday, coming up soon. 

Let's see if people who normally email will telephone.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Go e-quiet, choose your day

I'm going e-quiet on Wednesdays but can be reached by phone. Choose your day to go e-quiet.  Pass it on! Thanks to Kimberly for inspiring the idea.